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21 Days of Treating Your Family Like Guests

October 2, 2015


The full basket sat on the table, full of my favorite items:  Real Simple Magazine, flowers, snacks a plenty, and flavored waters.  Next to it was a card written lovingly by my friend, Jill, who had worked very hard to prepare my room and her home for me.  I felt so special, so set-apart.  All of this work and effort… for me? Love in action, lived out through thoughtful touches and small efforts.

When people come to our homes, we often give our all.  We set out the fine dishes, buy fresh-cut flowers, and leave fresh towels and linens in the room where they will be staying.  We also keep our words kind, and our tone joyful.  We’re at our best.

Then, they leave and the home returns to “normal.” We find ourselves less patient than when the guests were present.  Arguments ensue, and the flowers wilt.  The fancy plates are put away, and the towels tumble to the floor.

But that’s not how I want it to be.

My family, the ones closest to me, deserve the best of my time, talents, efforts, and resources.  While it is great to make a visit special for guests, I want to make my family feel like they are my greatest treasure.

So for 21 days I’m going on a journey to treat the ones I live with day in and day out like they are guests of honor in my home.  It’s going to require some sacrifice on my part, but that is what it takes to do the little actions that mean so much.  Alone these thoughtful guestures don’t create much impact, but together they change the entire temperature of our homes.  

Since we live in this space day in and day out, don’t we want it to be the very best possible?  We have been given this spouse (if you are married), and these children as a GIFT.  Let’s treat them this way and show them just how much they mean to us through small, doable actions.

Won’t you join me? Sign Up HERE! 

{and let’s do this together}

Based on the Book: Reclaiming Home


#21 Days of “Treating Your Family Like Guests” Blog Posts:

  1. Know Your Family’s Favorite Things
  2. Making Preparations to Love Well
  3. Listen Like You Mean It
  4. Simple Dutch Baby Recipe (Bed & Breakfast Style)
  5. Creating Magic with Music and Candlelight (Pandora Station Recommendations)
  6. Why We are Doing This Challenge
  7. The Seven Wonders of Our Town
  8. Pillow Treats
  9. Hotel Style Clean Sheets & Towels
  10. 7 Ideas for Welcoming People Home
  11. The Family Table & 3 Hearty Recipes for Your Crowd:  Cabernet Tri Tip   Hootenanny Chicken  Chili
  12. Apres-Ski Hearty Spaghetti Sauce to Feed a Crowd
  13. 10-cent Prayers for Your Family
  14. Family Emergency Reference Printable
  15. Learning to Recognize Divine Appointments
  16. 10 Ways to Show Love when Kids are Sick
  17. How to Set Up a Hot Drink Bar for Your Family
  18. Bedside Table Hospitality
  19. Uncommon Generosity
  20. A Book & A Blanket
  21. The Power of Presence
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  1. […] are well on your way to treating your family like valued guests with this […]

  2. Linda S says:

    Love the topic of your series! I’m subbing so I can follow along, because, I am guilty of putting forth that extra effort for my guests, but not always for my family – and I should!

    • kristagilly says:

      I know Linda! It’s so true – I think it is what many of us do. I’m doing the series because I need it also! Blessings to you~

  3. […] I want us to stop and think about WHY we are treating our family like guests.  Is it so that our kids will think we are good moms? Or maybe so we will  feel like […]

  4. […] Let’s not just do it when guests come.  Let’s enjoy our own areas as a family. […]

  5. Greer Oharah says:

    I’m so looking forward to reading your thoughts on this subject – definitely something I’m wanting to learn to do better! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Great topic Krista and I truly believe this is so important. What a great way to summarize the idea! PS I feel like I know you already not only because our hearts seem to resonate on similar topics of parenting and family life but also because my dear friend Ashley Larkin (from Faith & Culture Writers) told me about you and the wonderful retreat she went on recently on that you organized – the same one that another FCWC blogger Elisha attended. All PNW connections! Hope to meet in person one day soon!

  7. […] is part of the “Treat Your Family Like Guests” […]

  8. […] This is part of the “Treat Your Family Like Guests” series. […]

  9. […] is part of the “Treat Your Family Like Guests” […]

  10. […] is part of the “Treat Your Family Like Guests” […]

  11. […] our Treat Your Family Like Guests series, here is your challenge […]

  12. Heather says:

    Thank you so much for pouring such heart into these posts. I just came across the first one and read each link. I will be implementing plenty of these ideas with my family, those who matter most!

  13. […] Welcome to Day #1 of Treat Your Family Like Guests […]


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