Wife to mountain man and doctor Erik. Mama to four incredible kids who remind me every day that deep love, not perfection, is the goal.

Daughter, sister and aunt to family that has given me deep and strong roots for life. 

hEY THERE!  I'm krista

A Pacific Northwest native.


Speaker. Author. Podcaster.

When I was young, I was the girl captaining my soccer teams and rallying my school from the podium at assemblies. As I grew up I started delivering motivational teaching, and establishing fun and meaningful traditions for my family. Those leadership skills transfered to every place I found myself, whether it was a workplace, serving on a board, or leading in the community.   

What was true then is still true today: I believe that people matter, we are better together, and good leadership – whether in a family or a business – has impact beyond measure.
I also believe that “life drift” is a common experience – where we get off course from our intended destination.

Several years ago I found myself in one of these drifts. We had just moved, were navigating some difficult personal challenges, and physically I was struggling with some discouraging realities. It was a TOUGH season.  

I’ve loved people, leadership, + home.

From as far back as I can remember, 

Enter coaching.

Because it changed mine. And countless other clients who have trusted me as their coach. I’m on the other side of that hard season because coaching gave me what I needed to push past the obstacles that were holding me back.

I now get to spend my days helping people like you get unstuck, push past limiting beliefs and get incredible results. My clients learn to tap into the power of mindset and how to make intentional progress toward their dreams and goals.

What about you?  Do you want to stop ENDURING a life and start LIVING a life you love?




It was at this time when I decided to take a step forward and pursue a long term dream of becoming a life coach. As a part of the training, I also received coaching. Though I set out to become a life coach to help others, I had no idea how deeply transformational life coaching would be for me personally.

How do I know life coaching can change your situation?


Fun Facts
About Me

In college I was in a plane that caught fire over the Atlantic ocean (and I’m still alive to tell about it).

People are my favorite. I never tire of hearing people’s stories and I love every single one, especially if it’s heard around a campfire. 

I love country line dancing and a good fall Hootenanny.

After I taught high school for some years, I went back to school to get my interior design degree so I could work from home with my kids while my husband was in residency.

Playing college soccer was a highlight, and so was coaching high school players when I taught (where I was also a Young Life leader - my husband and I LOVE Young Life).

The New Basics Cookbook taught me how to cook when I first got married, and I’ve been learning ever since.

I once climbed into my car at our local ski resort only to find a bear had let himself into the back seat. NOT LYING.

I’m a social homebody.
A fancy mountain girl.
A glitter loving gardener.
Contradictions are fun.

Learning new things and fresh ways of thinking light me up. Current new things: Beekeeping & Neuroscience

I read no less than five books at one time. I’m always reading something.
You can read my current list here

Visit me on Instagram @KristatGilbert for more!

my book

Reclaiming Home is for the modern parent who is tired of living life on empty. Pushing back against the distractions, disconnection, and shortcuts that hijack strong families, this book offers practical, life-giving solutions that any parent can implement. While we often hear about the negative effects of culture on our families, we are rarely offered the tools needed to build our family differently.

Intention and Purpose.


reclaiming home



Buy it as a baby shower gift,
a girls weekend gift,
for your team at work, etc.


Contact Krista to talk to your book club, MOPS group, women’s group, or parenting group.

check them out!