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L I F E  

Modern Mountain Kitchen Remodel: The Media Center

March 7, 2020

Probably like most of you, phones, computers, and cords fill our counters.  And I’m not crazy about it for a couple of reasons:  

1. Practically I hate the clutter.

2. More importantly, sometimes I just want phones put away totally out of sight and mind. I need a break from them. Don’t you?

I recently did an interview with John Mark Comer on my podcast. What he has to say about putting phones away and taking time for rest and celebration is so important. I highly encourage you to listen to it!

This little area of our kitchen remodel was a perfect place to designate as the media center.  First, we put outlets in the drawers.  The ones you can buy are really expensive, so we Macgyver-ed our own system.

One of my goals for the kitchen and cozy reading nook was to be a space where kids can hang out with me and do homework. So much of their assignments are on google docs or online so laptops are necessary most of the time. To eliminate computer clutter, we put in roll out drawers and outlets so we can charge the batteries and put them away.

This is also where we keep our devotionals so that they are easily accessed for morning or dinner table reading. If they are easy to get to, they are more likely to be used.

As for the open shelving, I love it, and was determined to use only what I had in the house to decorate them.  It’s important to me to have meaning behind some of the “things” we display.

So the shelves hold an antler my kids found in the woods, old Norwegian bibles from my husband’s family, a sign one of my dear friends gave me, and candlesticks from my daughter’s graduation party. I also have real plants because I’ve decided I like having the real deal and taking care of them is a part of slowing down.

The wooden tray at the bottom is a catch all – for incoming or outgoing mail mostly, or things we need access to that day.

This has been a super functional change and I love having it right in the hub.

I’d love to hear, what “thing” do you have in your house that you love to display? or how do you control the media clutter?

Other posts in the kitchen remodel series:

Kitchen Remodel: The Cookbook Shelf

Kitchen Remodel:  The Big Island Takeover

Kitchen Remodel:  Laundry Room Turned Pantry

Kitchen Remodel:  The Hang Out Space

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