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The One Thing You Can Do for a Firm Foundation

September 14, 2015


There is more to life than increasing its speed.

-Mahatma Gandhi

I have a question for you: Is life increasing its speed in your family or decreasing?

Are you satisfied with your level of closeness, or are you moving so fast you don’t even have time to think about it?

Every fall our family slowly revs up until we are running full throttle. Football, soccer, cross-country, piano lessons, school, work and various other commitments fill our hours, making it harder and harder to get family dinners on the table, and clear room for connection between us. Make no mistake – we are the typical modern family who is juggling way more balls than we often should be.

And I find myself asking – for what?

Sure, athletics are valuable. I’m a huge believer in kids in sports to teach them about hard work, discipline, team-work, self-confidence, and life-long health.

I also love music and the way it becomes a friend to people through life – providing an outlet in joy and sadness.   I also want my children’s brains to develop in ways they wouldn’t otherwise through the practice of music lessons.

However, if all of this consistently comes at the expense of family, its value decreases and it becomes a burden, not a blessing.

Truly, nothing will have as lasting of an impact on our children than the family they grow up in.  It is worth it to decrease our speed so that we can do our best work there.  

One of the very best things we can do for our children is protect our home life.

Culture will not help you. In fact, you will have to make decisions that go directly against what everyone one else is doing at times. You will have to face your fear that your children will miss out and not have the same opportunities if you don’t _____________________________ (fill in the blank).

Perhaps they will miss out a little bit. Perhaps they won’t.

Either way, you are making important decisions that will benefit them life-long… in the long run.  It may not feel like the best decision now to them, but it will lead to the most meaningful result over time.

Prioritizing our family, and making room in our schedules for real, heart-felt connection, lays a solid foundation for our children that they will stand on for life.

So, what is the one thing you can do to lay that solid foundation for your family?  Prioritize intentional time together and be fully engaged and fully present while you are doing it.  

And this is what my book, Reclaiming Home, is all about.

It’s about taking back our families and making decisions that have the potential to change the course of our children’s lives, and our grandchildren’s lives. It’s about putting the most important first, and letting everything else fill in around that. It’s about making decisions based on what we know we need to do, not on what everyone else is doing.

It won’t be easy, but it will be the best decision you’ve ever made.

Reclaiming Home is meant to be a workbook, walking you through various aspects of how you can make changes and adjustments to your lives to have deeper connections, more meaningful days, and a lasting legacy.  It answers both the WHY and the HOW.  We get very practical.

Tomorrow is the official launch day of the book. This is the LAST DAY to get the pre-order bonuses!!!!!  Don’t wait to order– I want you to have them.


I hope you will join me in RECLAIMING YOUR HOME!


Don’t miss the Facebook Party Tonight!  I’ll be answering questions and doing giveaways!

Colorful balloons floating on the ceiling of a party in vintage color

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