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How To Decorate For Fall – Including a Fall Table

November 24, 2021

Fall is my favorite time of year. I can’t get enough of the crystal clear, crisp air and the smell of wood burning stoves, pumpkin seeds, and apple orchards. My childhood is wrapped up in the fall season.

It’s fun and festive to bring fall inside. This can be done in big and small ways. A leaf here, a faux pumpkin there, a candle burning, apple cider mulling on the stove, it all adds to the magic of the season. Whether you are decorating for everyday, or setting a Thanksgiving table, the process is the same.

To see how I decorate for fall, watch this video

Let’s break it down.

Choose base layers

Whether you are decorating a table or a porch, decide on the layers underneath. A plaid throw, a table runner, placemats, a large basket, a bench or hay bale – all of these are considered base layers.

Add middle layers

Some examples of middle layers are chargers that go under plates, stacks of pumpkins, mums, and candlesticks. Middle layers add varying heights, which is important in good design.

Finish with meaningful and beautiful small touches

This could be leaves or rosemary on the plates, printed menus, pressed leaves, mini pumpkins, conversation cards in a bowl, and added foliage or greenery that reflect the season.

May you have a blessed fall season in your area of the world! Tell me your fall decorating ideas / tips in the comments – we are excited to hear them!


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