by design.

L I F E  

Day #13: Reclaiming Thoughtfulness

October 13, 2014


I turned the corner to see a cup sitting on the counter with a tag hanging from it.  The cup said “Think Big” and the note read, “So so proud of you, Sis! Supporting and loving you all the way!”  My eyes filled up with tears.  I was half way through writing my book –  far enough to have lost that initial zeal.  The mid-point of my journey was the hardest, and that small, thoughtful gift from my sister was exactly what I needed in that moment.  Cup in hand, I sat down to begin another chapter.

Thoughtfulness is the soft, gentle breeze of love.  It quietly refreshes and encourages.


People who are thoughtful are always thinking of others and how to help or encourage them.  They are also kind.

There is not one way to practice this virtue.  Sometimes it takes the form of sending someone an encouraging email, other times bringing a family a meal, and other times showing up on someone’s doorstep to celebrate something special.  It doesn’t matter how we are thoughtful, but simply that we develop that mindset, and practice it often.

Why is it that sometimes we are the least thoughtful to those who share our home? I think we can all agree that we take our families for granted at times.  One of the most powerful displays of love in our homes can be thoughtfulness.

Consider what you can do for your family members to show thoughtfulness and care.  This may be picking up a poster board for a school project, or leaving a note for your daughter.  If you have toddlers it may be as simple as making his favorite sandwich.  For your husband, you may ask him, “How can I help you this week?”

When we display this kind of spirit in our homes, we are also modeling.  The prayer is that our children would learn from this and someday carry it into their own homes.

Dare #13 {of the 31 day series}:  

Show deliberate thoughtfulness today

to someone in your family.



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