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A New Website & a Giveaway for an iPad Mini!

March 26, 2015

Welcome home!

Come on in and make yourself comfortable.  We live life on the casual side up north.  I’m so happy you’ve come to take a look around.   I consider it an honor to have you.

This site is a culmination of who I am – all that has been woven into the tapestry of my life: my past, my present, my passions, my unique view of the world according to my disposition and experience, my family, my geographic location. It’s all here somewhere – from practical to-do’s, to fun ideas, to recipes, to how to deal with hurts, to thoughts about life and family. You can see every one of my posts on my pinterest board.

My earnest prayer is that somehow it would be a blessing to you. Even if just in a small way. This is my mustard seed. 

Here is what I know. Each one of us has a unique tapestry that is unique to only ONE. You. There may be some threads you don’t like. Me either. But they are there for a reason – they have made us who we’ve become and have led us to the place we are now. We get to choose what we do with this culmination of who we are.

So let me encourage you to plant your mustard seed, too. It may be at work, at church, at a non-profit, in another country, or right at your dinner table. Plant deeply and watch God breathe more life into that seed than you could ever imagine….


Teenage girl with mobile phone
To celebrate the site’s grand opening,

AND in honor of the MEDIA 101 DARE {for parents}

that is launching on April 20, I’m hosting a giveaway for an

iPad Mini 2!

*to sign up for the media 101 dare, click here.  This is different than entering the giveaway, which is at the bottom of this page.

ipadmini.contest.cover up for my newsletter for a chance to win.

The contest ends on April 20, 2015 at 12am {PST}

U.S. applicants only

*Silver, 7.9 Retina Display

*Ultrafast wireless with a sleek, thin design

*10 hours of battery life

*IOS 8 – the most advanced mobile OS technology ever

Winner: Kate Kelly – Congratulations Kate!  You’ll be getting an email.

TrophyWin an iPad Mini 2 on
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Days Left

To celebrate the launching of my website I'm doing a big giveaway:  an iPad Mini!

I chose the iPad Mini 2, 16gb because it is a great tool for parents, easy to transport, and also because I'm launching my Media 101 Dare on April 20 at!

Enter to win and good luck!

This contest expired.
(Visited 6,448 times, 1 visits today)
  1. Estella says:

    You are an inspiration, I am so very proud of you. I love you.

  2. […] Enter this Giveaway at Krista Gilbert […]

  3. Denise Anderson says:

    Great giveaway and looking forward to MEDIA 101 DARE {for parents}!

  4. Gloria Walshver says:

    Thanks a lot for this amazing giveaway.

  5. Gloria Walshver says:

    Thanks a lot for this amazing giveaway.

  6. Stacy Giacosa-Bauer says:

    Looking forward to MEDIA 101 DARE! Thanks for this Fabulous Giveaway!

  7. jane jakins says:

    thanks for chance to win

  8. Angela Diaz says:

    Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  9. James Barbetta says:

    Mom would love to win. Thanks!

  10. Cheryl Lanner says:

    Thank you for your goodness & the chance at winning a mini iPad! 🙂

  11. Cheryl Lanner says:

    Thank you for your goodness & the chance at winning a mini iPad! 🙂

  12. pegwitkowski says:

    thanks for lovelygiveaway praying i win ty

  13. Tonya Tipton says:

    What a great prize, thanks for the chance.

  14. Patricia Edwards says:

    I’d Keep It!

  15. Patricia Edwards says:

    I would keep it!

  16. Carol Burgess says:

    Awesome giveaway! Thank you for the chance

  17. Ann Marie Nunes says:

    Great promotion. Congrats

  18. Alicia says:

    This is awesome it started on my Birthday
    🙂 Thank you for the giveaway and congrats on your site.

  19. christina moore says:

    This would be great for my daughter to use at school

  20. Frannie King says:

    The site look great and Im looking foward to the launch! Great Topic to Cover! So happy to be proactive with raising my kids. I know lots of parents and kids will benefit from this! Thanks

  21. Pam says:

    Fantastic website!

  22. Jaime Stroud says:

    great giveaway!!

  23. Andrea Peregretti says:

    Thanks for this great giveaway!

  24. kristy balser says:

    love the new site

  25. pam says:

    Thank You for a Great Giveaway. I have wanted a I Pad for ever. GoodLuck Everyone!

  26. Meghan Castillo says:

    What an amazing opportunity.

  27. Shirley Smith says:

    What an awesome giveaway! I thank you so very much. And you are such an insipiring young Lady…. Thanks again.


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