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Today My Son Stood for Something…

June 9, 2012

Get the word out. Teach all these things.

And don’t let anyone put you down because you’re young.

Teach believers with your life:

by word, by demeanor, by love, by faith, by integrity.

1 timothy 4:12

My 4th grade son passed out Bibles to his entire class today on the last day of school….on his own accord.

Months ago,  he came and told me his idea, and then proceeded to let me know that he had saved enough money to buy them — over $100.00.  My husband and I encouraged him, supported him, and then sat back and watched.  His resolve never wavered about the idea, and today he followed through.  On June 8, 2012, my son took a risk and stood for something.

I don’t know if you’ve been around any public schools lately, but I wouldn’t say passing out Bibles hits the top 10 list of the coolest things to do, especially for a 4th grade boy.  However,  in my book, it’s one of the most courageous things I’ve ever seen.

Courage.  Conviction.  Boldness.

About GOD.

That’s why he passed them out.  That’s why he spent his money on his classmates.  He wants them to have the opportunity to come to know the God who has touched his life in a powerful way.  He’s passionate about it.  If you knew my son, you would realize just how much it must mean to him because he is not someone who likes to draw attention to himself, or to be center stage in any way.  He was being obedient to the nudge he felt God was placing on his heart.

A good friend of mine once said that her desire for her kids is to see them stand on her spiritual shoulders and far surpass her depth of faith.  No question,  today Dawson stood on my shoulders.  As I watched my 10 year old place his hands over those books before school, and pray a heart-felt, sincere prayer for the classmates who would be receiving them, my heart was inspired, touched, and convicted.

Am I willing to go out of my comfort zone in my faith like my son?  Do I hear the whisper of God in my life and then follow through on what he is calling me to do, even when it puts me at risk?

There are some parents who may not agree with what my son did.  There are some who will simply throw the Bible in the recycling bin.  Some will keep it, and may even read a few words from its pages.  Whatever the response from others, God is using this significant moment to help  form my son’s heart and character.

At a time when the pressure is building to conform, my son stood.  When it came time to put faith to action, he stood.


No, never alone.

With God.

Standing on my shoulders.


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  1. Krista,

    This is awesome! It reminds me of Daniel and I love it! Your cousin Lisa told me to read this today and she was right, I am very inspired — This is the kind of stuff that should make the news sister!

    Love to you, Hester

  2. Mandy says:

    I am speechless…..(ok, not really because…) Let us proclaim His Glory TOGETHER!!! It immediately brings to mind Psalm 71:17…. “From my youth O Lord, you have taught me, and to this day I declare Your wonderous deeds!” His ability to transform us is remarkable – and HE alone knows the key to unlock the heart of each one of those precious classmates. May His word run swiftly and be glorified through Dawson, through this act of generosity and self-sacrificing love, and through the lives of your whole family. Humble tears of joy and immense gratitude for the reality that Dawson is becoming a young man who is watchful, standing firm in the faith, acting like a man with strength – and doing it all with in love!

  3. chris says:

    Hello Dear, I am an old woman-so interested in your boy. I love him so, his courage is catchy and I want to be like him. No-those Bible’s will never be lost-if one goes in the trash some other poor soul will find it and draw on our LORD from it. “Those who hope in the LORD will never be disappointed.” Isaiah 49:23 God bless you all.

  4. Katie Caba says:

    That has blessed me through and through. What a gift to see God work through a precious 4th grader! I will pray for every hand that touched one of those bibles and for every heart to be changed by it! Thanks for sharing. I love you all!

  5. Andrea says:

    I only wish I would have been there to witness him in action! Whether answering questions about a book we read, talking to friends, or just hanging out, his faith shines through. I believe that God placed an amazing example in his life for him to follow in his wonderful parents – you guys have cultivated his heart for God and lived it out in your own lives. Such an encouragement!

  6. Karen says:

    Thank you for sharing the story about your son. As a mother of two daughters and two stepsons, ranging in age from 7 to 13, I am amazed by your sons courage and confidence and his love for Christ. He is an inspiration and a beautiful example of what it means to be a warrior for Christ, no matter how old or young! I wish you and your family continued blessings and best of luck in 5th grade to your son!

    • Krista says:

      Thank you so much Karen! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your comment. I wish you the same as you have the privilege of parenting 4 precious souls. May we always humbly pray James 1:5 as we walk this road — seeking HIS wisdom for each one! Warmly, Krista

  7. kimi little says:


    I am amazed and humbled by this. What a sweet boy after God’s own heart. I wish I had this kind of generousity, courage and abandon. It truly is humbling. Thank you Dawson for being obedient to God. You are a testimony to all of us. Because you did this, God is going to bless so many! I know that your parent’s hearts are overwhelmed by the blessing of who you are.

    Love, Kimi Little


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