November 17, 2023

We spend so much time getting ready for the Thanksgiving meal, but it’s just as important to set our intentions for how we want to show up to the holiday.
This is especially true if there are some *dynamics* we are stepping in to with family or friends.

Here are 3 intentions to set:
MAKE PRE-DECISIONS – No one else is in charge of our words or actions – we are! Be the one who sets the temperature, not the other way around.
BE UNOFFENDABLE – We do have a choice whether or not we get our feathers ruffled. Decide that no matter what is said, it’s going to be like water on a duck’s back.
BRING CONVERSATION STARTERS- If you are concerned about good, positive conversation, bring a set of conversation starters to help. It’s amazing how these cultivate rich conversation. I have some you can download – link in stories.
Mindset is a continual journey and we never “arrive.” Constantly renewing our minds toward good and positive directions is a discipline.
How are you preparing your mindset for Thanksgiving?