by design.

L I F E  

November Giveaway! A custom cuff & a book

November 5, 2015


Happy November!  

I adore this month because we are focused on giving thanks.  It’s built in to the seasonal rhythms we follow.

But gratitude is not seasonal – it’s life-changing.  

When we carve out gratitude in our lives, our capacity for joy expands.  We discover that what we already have is enough.  That the people we are surrounded with are a gift, and that our cups are brimming and overflowing.

Contentment is more about recognizing what has already been given, as opposed to situational or material happiness.  There is a big difference.  November reminds us of that.

So as you reach toward gratitude this month, I pray that you will capture every moment -both big and small.

Live in such a way that roots grow deeply with those you love most.  Soak in the gifts right in front of you — those sitting across at your table.


I want you to know that I am sure thankful for you.  I truly believe that when we link arms together, we are stronger and make a much bigger impact than we ever would alone.  Thank you for being people who strive to reclaim your homes in this big world –  who are courageous enough to do life differently.


You inspire others to do likewise.


To show my gratitude for this beautiful community, I’m giving away a custom hand-stamped bracelet cuff made by As You Wish Design, and a signed copy of Reclaiming Home.  

Most of you know how crazy I am about As You Wish Design and their beautiful, custom pieces. Honestly, I buy them for everything because they simply make the best, most meaningful gifts.  


a Rafflecopter giveaway


“I’ve learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances. I’m just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little. I’ve found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am.”

-Phil.4:13 (The Message)

“He is rich who is content with the least; for contentment is the wealth of nature.”



(Visited 479 times, 1 visits today)
  1. Brenda Randall says:

    Love your pieces

  2. Mary V says:

    Awesome! Thanks for the chance!

  3. Kay Swindle says:

    Love this

  4. Pat Lynass says:

    You are incredible!


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