by design.

L I F E  

Look What’s Coming Soon…

August 24, 2015

IT’S ALMOST HERE!!!!  Three weeks from now my new book, Reclaiming Home, will be arriving in book stores.

This is the book I knew I had to write.  It’s both my very personal journey, but also the road we all take as parents.  It explores the heart of family, as well as the practical day-to-day struggles, challenges, and joys we work through together.

It’s meant to be both a guidebook and a workbook, proving the HOW behind implementing desired and much-needed  family values and identity.  This book is for those who want to impact not only their own immediate family, but for those who want to leave a legacy for generations.  And I’m not kidding.


What we do in the daily matters that much.  It’s that important.  One of my favorite quotes says,

No amount of success outside the home will make up for failure inside the home. -anonymous

This book will help you invest in the most important treasure we have: our families.  

While the book won’t be available until September 15th, if you pre-order you will receive some special bonuses right now – and they are super fun!!

Just to be clear…these bonuses will only be available for pre-orders.  They go away Sept.14th!



A printable calendar filled with connection ideas for each day of September:


Harness fall for family fun and unity!

A Celebration Banner:


Whether the occasion is a birthday, a home run hit, or a good report card, pull out the celebration banner and regularly celebrate life with your family! Using this downloadable template, I’ll walk you through how to make this festive celebration banner.

Conversation starters:


These can be downloaded, cut out, and then used when carpooling to practice, or at the dinner table.  These discussion prompts will help you connect well with your family and learn all sorts of things about them – their hopes, dreams, perspectives, and ideas!

We are the Difference Makers Print {in two color choices}


These words, taken directly from the book, remind us that our daily actions create impact and generational legacy that lasts far beyond us.

Three videos: Reclaiming Marriage, Reclaiming Imperfection, and Reclaiming Fun


Candid conversations about marriage, the imperfect journey of parenthood, and making room for fun and play.

Video instructions on how to plan, organize, and run a cooking group:

Take the stress out of mealtime!

BonusesSorry, the pre-order period has expired.  

Thanks so much for being here!


If you haven’t signed up to receive Krista’s other bonuses and freebies, sign up now! 

And/Or connect on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest.

Thank you for being in my life!


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  1. […] PRE-ORDER BONUSES are only available until Sept.14th!!! […]


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