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Five Kitchen Tips For The Every Day

May 28, 2020

apron, farmhouse, simple, family

In this post I’m giving you five of my top kitchen tips that have nothing to do with cooking food and everything to do with making life run well in this central part of the house.

The kitchen is truly the hub in most families. Keeping this space running efficiently and well is one of my priorities each day.

1. Run the dishwasher every night and unload it every morning

Even if the dishwasher isn’t completely full, run the dishwasher every night before you go to bed. Then, it’s ready to unload in the morning. When there is an empty dishwasher, people can put their dirty dishes right in (as opposed to getting stacked in the sink). This saves work, and teaches responsibility.

2. Post a dishwashing schedule (even on vacation)

Decide who is doing dishes on what days of the week, then post it. This system takes away the bargaining and complaining that arises when dish duty is announced each night. Include breakfast and lunch if you are homeschooling or on vacation in a home. We even do this when our extended family is together. We post a cousin clean up schedule – doing dishes is more fun with cousins!

Clean, Spring Clean, chores, family, home
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3. Give everyone a specific cup for daytime use

Have you ever wondered just how many cups a person can go through in one day? Because they all look alike, no one remembers whose cup is whose. Get a specific cup for each person in the family that they use throughout the daytime. This is a lifesaver for large families especially.

4. Clean out the refrigerator and wipe it clean one time per week

Pick a day for refrigerator cleaning each week. Take everything out, wipe down the shelves, clean out old food, and put everything back in. This system allows continual monitoring of what you have and can use (eliminating waste) and also gives a clear idea of what is needed at the grocery store.

5. Have dinner planned in your head by 10am

No need to have the entire dinner done by 10am, just have a plan. This piece of advice is one of my go-to principles that has saved hours of stress in my life. A little bit of organization up front pays big dividends at dinner time when stress and hunger are often high!

How about you? What are your best kitchen tips?

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