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Day #20: Reclaiming {BIG} Hugs

October 21, 2014


Over the next five days we are going to take the five principles outlined in The Five Love Languages, and apply them to our families.

I stumbled upon this book years ago, and it has transformed how I see and communicate love. 

For those who have not read it, it argues that we all give and receive love differently.  For some, a thoughtful gift communicates love, for another, time spent talking over coffee.  It is important that we learn one another’s love language, so that we can love each other well.

Every day we will look at one of the love languages and immediately practice that language in our families.

Today’s love language:  Physical Touch

How it is expressed:  People with this love language feel loved when others are affectionate with them.  You often know who these people are because they give lots of hugs, touch your arm or hand when talking, and may stand closer than is comfortable.

If you have a child whose love language is physical touch, it is important to express your love for him/her through that channel.  I have a child who falls into this category.  I make it a point to give him a big hug in the morning, again when he comes in the door after school, and then to scratch his back before bed at night.

Dare #20: 

Pick one off the list to do with your family today to express the love language of physical touch:

*Do a back scratch train

*Give a 1 minute massage

*Hug tightly and repeatedly

*Arm wrestle

*Give foot rubs

{Part of the 31 Days of Reclaiming Home series} Love.Selfless


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  1. […] *give lots of hugs (see my post on the physical touch love language) […]


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