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Day #17: Reclaiming your Passion

October 17, 2014



Just a few minutes ago, I pushed the “send” button on a lifelong dream. I’ve always said I wanted to write a book on home and family, but actually doing it – putting pen to paper, sitting for long, long hours at a time, and getting a publishing contract was quite another matter.  In fact, it was years in the making.  But TODAY IS THE DAY! I sent the final manuscript to the publisher.


The book can feel like the culmination of a dream, but really, the book itself is not my passion.  I like writing and speaking, but those aren’t my passions either.  What is inside the book is my real dream and passion: Family roots.

All of us have gifts, experiences, talents, and interests that are unique.  One person likes studying history, another enjoys teaching children, another, leading groups or a team.  We are as different as plants in a garden, yet all add to the bounty of the harvest in this world.

I remember sitting at a table at MOPS (mothers of preschoolers) and asking the question, “What are your passions?”  Doe-eyed women stared at me and blinked in response.  Finally, one spoke up.  “Ohhhhhh I knew you were going to ask that!  We don’t have any! There isn’t time to think let alone develop a passion.”

I could so relate.  It’s enough most of the time to simply run the family unit, work, cycle the laundry, and get dinner on the table.

But… there is inside of all of us, even if well hidden, a passion hiding in our hearts that longs to escape and find freedom in our unique expression.

And you know what?  When our kids see us pursuing ours, they will be more likely to find theirs.  And when kids or adults live out of their passions, life feels full.

My sister has a burning desire to help orphans.  When she places effort and energy toward that end, she is filled up.  It isn’t easy.  In fact, it is often difficult.  Red tape prevents her from doing much of what she’d like to do to help in various areas.  But the sacrifices she makes are worth it to her because God has placed that passion in her heart.

We are each designed to fill a special role on this earth.  When we find our passions and lean into those, we are stepping on the stage of life playing our part.  And that’s important.

Part of Reclaiming Home is learning about where we are gifted and then using those gifts to enhance both our homes and the world. It’s also about helping our kids to do the same.

Where do you see your child light up with excitement and come alive? 

See that picture of the drummer at the top of the page?  He’s my nephew, Caleb, and he’s a drummer.  Though he is a very gifted athlete, his passion lies not in pounding out a sub-five mile (though he can), but in the tenor line in the marching band.  He absolutely LOVES IT.  His parents have supported him, encouraged him, and have provided opportunities for him to grow in his skill.   I am so excited to watch where this passion takes him in life.

How can we help our children identify and pursue their unique God-given passions?

Here is a worksheet you can work through yourself, or with your child. Let’s pray that our kids find their sweet spots and impact the world through them!

Dare #17:

Identify, or help your child identify, a passion.

{of the 31 Days to Reclaiming Home series}












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