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Creating Magic with Music & Candlelight

October 6, 2015

music notes on old paper and candles on table

Like you, we live a life bursting with, well…everything. We make complicated game plans for getting our people where they need to go every day. We work hard at our jobs. We strive to be a blessing to the people around us. We wash, cook, fix, counsel, clean, tuck-in, encourage, and drive. There is plenty of noise in our days.

So at every possible chance I get, what do I do?

  1. I light a candle
  2. I put on instrumental music.

Because in the midst of fury, we also need calm. Peace is definitely within – an inner state of being. But these externals also help me. They remind me to slow – to set aside our meal time as sacred space – and to create an environment that allows room to breathe.

These two little details work magic in a room.  All of a sudden there is warmth.

When you walk into a space where soft music is playing and candles are burning, you immediately feel more at home.

So, shouldn’t we do this often for our family, like we do with guests?  Won’t this make them feel cozy and nurtured when they walk in the door?  Absolutely.

Whether our children or spouse knows it or not, these small intentional actions will create a strong feeling of “home.”

The first thing I do when I get up in the morning is put on my favorite Pandora station, Instrumental Praise.  Right now I also have seasonal decor on my island that lights up.  I plug those in and it creates a soft glow.

I want my children to walk into the kitchen and start their day with a rooted sense of home.  I know it may not seem like this would help create that, but it most definitely does.

Here is a list of my favorite Pandora Stations for creating ambiance, and a feeling of calm and peace:


One of these stations also goes on when we are about to have dinner.  I want to communicate that family dinner is set apart.  It’s special.  And a little music helps.

As for candles, my very favorites are these:

candlesThey are by far the best candles I have ever owned.  Of course I often pick ones up at T.J.Maxx or Bath and Body Works, which do just fine.  But it you get a chance to buy a McCall’s candle, they are well worth it!  I save the jars and use them for vases or for storing things.  They’re darling.

So, light some candles, turn on some music, and see if you and your family settle in just a little cozier and more relaxed in your home today!

What are your favorite Pandora or Spotify stations?  

And what candles do you enjoy?


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  1. […] Creating Magic with Music and Candlelight (Pandora Station Recommendations) […]

  2. Kelly S says:

    This is a lovely series! I am not usually someone who is into the “frills” like music, candles, special treats, etc., but I *want* to be. I think my husband and young daughters would be touched by a little more consideration to these things. So I appreciate these practical tips!

    I love the David Nevue station on Pandora. It’s piano music, mostly Christian. Also, David Nevue Holiday is great for Christmasttime!

    • kristagilly says:

      Hi Kelly! Great tip on David Nevue – I’ll check him out. And I know what you mean on the “it doesn’t come naturally” thing. But I know we are blessed when we put ourselves out there into our weak areas! Joy to you as you do!


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