April 30, 2012
Crash cooking is when you plan to make tons of meals in one day (or night), and get er done! That’s right — 12-14 meals in the freezer. Once you try it you will never, ever, ever go back to what you’ve done before. You can read step by step instructions here. Here’s the latest menu that I did with my sweet friend who is pictured above (the headband is a key accessory for cooking days btw).
Fish Tacos with Chipotle Cream
Chicken Parmesan (healthier version)
Roasted Salmon with Shallot Grapefruit Sauce
Turkey Meatballs with quick & spicy tomato sauce
Cooks Illustrated Kung Pao Chicken
You can download the shopping list here. I use MacGourmet, which is a cooking program for my Mac computer. The grocery list doesn’t translate the best into word, but it will still save you time! It lists the ingredient you need, the recipe it is for, and the store to buy it (Costco or grocery – I use Fred Meyer so that is what mine says).
I always put a list up in my kitchen that has all of the meals listed with cooking directions (above). You can this menu’s list HERE.