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5 Ways To Change the World with One Million Thumbprints

January 19, 2016


When my son was in Kindergarten, we had his eyes tested and the results showed a severe stigmatism and near sightedness.  He was only seeing 10 inches in front of his face.  Beyond that it was all a blur.  No wonder we couldn’t get him to ride a bike – he couldn’t even see his feet on the pedals, let alone the road in front of him!

I’ll never forget the day I took him to pick up his glasses.  The technician put the sporty rec-specs on him and I watched from the opposite side of the room as he took in his surroundings.  Jumping out of the chair, he ran into my arms and exclaimed, “Mama, you look brand new!”

That day, Stetson saw the world in a way he’d never experienced before.  Suddenly everything was in focus, and he would never be content to see the world blurry again.

This is what happens to us when we travel to other parts of the world, or when we decide to look deeper into global issues.  We see things that change us, that make us different.   We experience a reality so different than our own that it opens our eyes, makes us wiser, and cracks open parts of our hearts that we never knew even existed.

One Million Thumbprints is giving people new vision – providing a look into the violence that is occurring in endemic proportions in certain areas of the world, particularly toward women.  It is a movement of people who are brave enough to see it for what it really is, and who have decided to care enough to do something about it, because they can. 

Here are some quick facts:


1MT’s inaugural event is a climb up Africa’s  Mt. Kilimanjaro with a team of women (and one man).  This serves as a strong metaphor for what the victims of violence must go through as they climb their own mountains to recover their lives and families.

But not all of us can go climb a mountain to help.  No matter.  You can help right where you are.

Whether you are an accountant, a teacher, a stay-at-home mama, a florist, or a barista, anyone and everyone can be a part of partnering with 1MT to change the world for our sisters who just happen to be born in those parts of the world.  That could have been us.  But it’s not.  Instead we are the ones who can extend hope and help.

Here’s are some ways you can join the movement:

Pray:  These women and nations need prayer.  Specifically Sudan, the Congo, and Syria/Iraq.  And will you also pray for Belinda Bauman, the founder of 1MT, and the climbing team?

Give Your Thumbprint or Collect Thumbprints:  Stamp your mark of solidarity with the women who are victims of violence and oppression, and give your thumbprint demonstrating your awareness and concern.  Collect other people’s thumbprints – at school, in your neighborhood, at your church, at Bunco, wherever! These will be taken to the UN to show just how many people care about implementing and funding programs to help our sisters of the world.  We are declaring that violence against them is violence against us.

Donate:  Whether it is $5 or $500 every penny helps as we reach out to fund on the ground organizations who are directly helping women gain meaningful skills and sustaining work.  They also provide assistance as these women recover physically and emotionally from severe trauma.  You can donate here.

Follow & Share on Social Media:  Follow One Million Thumbprints on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.  Share about the movement on your social media to bring awareness and support. The more people we can get involved, the greater the impact.

Hashtags:  #1MThumbprints, #1MTforPeace #endviolenceagainstwomen

Host a Climb in Your Area or Walk with Us.  Organize a “mini climb” in your area as a show of support and solidarity for the cause on International Women’s Day, March 8th and collect thumbprints.  Or join us in walking the same distance (this is an invitation to do the same mileage, or part, as we are doing on Mt.Kilimanjaro) March 4-8th– hashtag #1MTclimbforpeace.

You can read more about the movement at  

It’s time we put on some new glasses.  And once we see with this new lens, we’ll never see the same again.  









(Visited 247 times, 1 visits today)
  1. Maggie Tate says:

    Your talk about vision reminds me of the lyrics of my favorite song – “Spirit of the Living God” –
    “Because When You Speak, When You Move.
    When You Do What Only You Can Do
    It Changes Us, It Changes What We See And What We Seek”
    Will be praying for you and your group!


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