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Three Family Traditions That Went Viral on Pinterest

May 26, 2020

I started this blog nine years ago to document the happenings of our family. It was important to me to capture the memories and also share what we were doing so others could brainstorm similar ideas that fit their own families. It was a way for all of us to engage in mutual encouragement as we worked to love our people well.

Pinterest picked up a few of these of these ideas we’ve shared and they’ve gone “Pinterest viral” so to speak. I thought I’d share three of them with you.

1. Turning 13: A Meaningful Way To Celebrate A Son

This post is about what we do when a child in our family turns the page into the teen years. This child goes on a “walk” and encounters family members along the way who encourage, give gifts, and speak wisdom for the road ahead. It’s been one of our very favorite traditions.

2. Sixteen Surprises for a Sweet 16

This post is for the sixteen year old. We set aside a day, come up with 16 fun ideas, and execute them throughout the course of the day. It’s a great way to mark this special birthday in a creative way.

3. Crockpot Amish Apple Butter

This post has been pinned more times than any other. I’m not sure if it is because it says “crockpot” or “Amish” but either way thousands of people have made this recipe and report back to tell me how much they love it. This recipe is a part of our our annual “Apple Day.” We peel apples, put together pies, crisps, and make applesauce and apple butter.

There you have it – my top three posts on Pinterest. I hope they encourage you, even in the slightest way, to

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  1. Sophia says:

    I love your TURNING 13: A MEANINGFUL WAY TO CELEBRATE A SON tradition. Dear Krista,
    How would you recommend applying this tradition to a family of four who doesn’t have an extended family living near by. In fact, the extended family that lives in a different country is not close to our son at all. Our son is turning 13 soon and if love to mark this day meaningfully. Many thanks and blessings, Sophia

    • Krista says:

      Hi Sofia! You totally can do this still. Four people is just fine – or grab a few friends to add to the group. Honestly, just doing it is what counts and what will cement a memory in your son’s mind. Let me know how it goes!


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