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Resolved: The 5 Most Important Decisions You Will Make This Year

December 31, 2021

Make this new year different

There is something important about the turn of the yearly calendar. It brings an actual and metaphorical new beginning. Our regrets, mistakes, and negative patterns can be put behind for fresh habits and changes that will ultimately lead us to a better version of ourselves and a more fulfilling life.

As a life coach, one of my greatest desires is to see people make progress in areas they are wanting to change. This is why I created a 10 day experience called Resolved: The 5 Most Important Decisions You Will Make This Year.

Whether you need a major shift or just a few small tweaks this will help you clarify what changes you want to make, how you will make them, and how the next year will look differently because of those decisions.

This is different than New Year’s resolutions. We often declare what we want to look differently than last year, but we don’t dive deeply enough to really make those actual changes.

If you are ready to make 2023 different than last year, join me for the 10 day Resolved experience.

In the past people have had to pay for this experience. I’m offering it to you FOR FREE!

Here are specifics about the experience:

  • IT’S FREE!
  • It lasts 10 days
  • we cover 5 primary areas of health
  • you receive a downloadable workbook
  • you receive an email each day for 10 days guiding you through the journey
  • videos accompany the emails

How we spend our time is ultimately how we spend our life. Imagine spending 10-30 minutes a day moving toward more purpose and intention rather than scrolling online or on social media. You can actually change patterns, come to new insights, and RESOLVE to do things differently in 2023.


Be sure to check your junk folder in your email if you don’t see messages coming through. Label my emails “not junk” to be sure you get all of them. See you in the experience!

(Visited 688 times, 1 visits today)
  1. Jami says:

    So excited to see this offered again this year. And FREE – even better! Thank you Krista!

  2. Angel Stallings says:

    Thank you Krista! I am excited about this opportunity to lean in and really focus on realistic goals and attainable, healthy choices!

  3. […]  Resolved: The 5 Most Important Decisions You’ll Make This Year a 10 day group coaching experience with Krista Gilbert […]


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