August 20, 2019

Several years ago I came to the conclusion that I was doing a great deal FOR my children, but not doing enough to connect WITH them. I knew that complicated plans and ideas weren’t the answer. In fact, I reasoned that even one minute of my full, undivided attention and total engagement would make a difference. While I didn’t have had hours to spare, I could find minutes.
With this idea in one hand, and small, intentional actions in the other, the dares were born. It was amazing to see the impact of small decisions to connect.
On Monday, September 16th, the 7-day Family Dare begins. Each day you will be given a short inspirational message to read and then the “dare” or challenge for that day.
There are short, one minute dare options, and longer “challenge” options that take the day’s connection point one step further. And for those of you with teens, I’ve got your covered there too!

The cost for this booklet is $4.99. Family connection for less than a pumpkin spice latte!
The dare begins Monday, Sept.16th and closes Sunday, Sept.22nd.
Sign up and join us for this fun Reclaiming Home journey!
If you would like to receive text message reminders during each day of the dare, be sure to enter your optional phone number during check out. Your number will not be used for any other purpose.
Can’t wait!
UGH! I missed this! Is it too late? Can I still sign up and access the dares?
thank you SO SO very much for all you do to bring love and connection to our families!
Jill! I’ll be doing the family dare again this year. Make sure you are on my email list to know when it is coming out! HUGS xoxo