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Reclaiming Christmas: A Planning Guide & Ebook

November 28, 2020

The year I missed Christmas

If you’ve ever felt behind during the holiday season, you are not alone. One Christmas I sat under the twinkling lights of the tree on December 24th and cried because the holiday hustle had stolen my season.

Somehow I missed the most important part of Christmas.

Crazy busy never leads to the kind of magical Christmas we all dream about for our family.

That night I vowed to never be in that position again. I spent the first part of the new year creating a very simple system that I would use the following December.

It was basic, including only the main players: traditions, gifts, scheduling, and food.

The crazy thing? It worked

I’ve always maintained, a little bit of intention changes everything.

Christmas was no different. When the next December rolled around, that intentional planning made all the difference.

I committed to getting most of the “to dos” done in late November and early December using my little workbook.

For the first time in a long time, I actually enjoyed Christmas. I prioritized, planned, and scheduled, and then let the month unfold in relative peace. Amen and Hallelujah!

You can download the planning ebook & December calendar

I decided to share this simple system with you. It will help with peace this holiday season. You can message me on Instagram and let me know how it’s working!

December Calendar

This is a blank December calendar you can use to plan! Trust me – as much as I am a digital organizer, nothing replaces a printed calendar where you can see the month at a glance easily when it comes to Christmas.

Merry Christmas everyone! Cheers to a more peaceful, magical season.

Or pin this for later!

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