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Preparing Our Hearts for Easter Holy Week

March 27, 2021

Holy week begins with Palm Sunday and culminates on Easter.

I recently learned that in Greek, the language in which the New Testament was written, the same word is used for healing and salvation. Can we just camp on that for a minute? It means while we are continually working out salvation in our lives, we are – in the present tense – over and over being healed.

There is no better time than Easter to center our minds, hearts, and spirits as we prepare to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus!

May you experience peace and healing during this holy week of Easter.

Resources For Holy Week


I made a HOLY WEEK playlist for you. Music is one of the best ways I know to center our hearts and minds.

An App

The Pray As You Go app is amazing – it walks you through about a 10 min. meditation / prayer exercise. They have beautiful messages and meditation exercises for Holy Week.

Jesus Calling Plan

Jesus Calling has a great Holy Week Plan at

The Artist Bible: Easter

There is a plan called The Artist Bible: Easter on the Bible App that features various creative artists who are depicting Holy Week in some way.


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