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18 Podcasts for Growth & Faith

November 10, 2016

I was a junior in high school and the bright lights shone brightly above the stage.  The MC for the night was handing out impromtu questions and it was my turn.  “If you could have lunch with someone who you find interesting, but have never met, who would it be?”

“Oprah Winfrey,” I said without hesitating.  This was a woman who, to me, had the ideal job.  She got to interview people all day while impacting the world in generous and important ways.  Yes, that is what I wanted to do.

While that childhood dream never became a reality, in some ways, podcasting has fulfilled that desire. I get to interview people who are doing amazing things with their life, and I get to highlight their impact for good in the world.

I also get to share with others the journey I have been on – what I have found to be important, and helpful.

I love listening to podcasts because they help me get so much done!  Not kidding.  I am a faster cleaner when I’m entertained.  I listen to them while I workout (makes it go so much faster), and while I’m driving to pick up.  I listen to them on road trips and while I’m making dinner.

I love growing and challenging myself.  I love learning from other people and listening to their stories.  I also love being productive.  Podcasts allow me to do both at once:  productivity and growth.  It’s the perfect combination!

So let me introduce you to 18 podcasts on my phone that I listen to regularly:

The Open Door Sisterhood Podcast:


This show is the one I host with my dearest friend Alexandra Kuykendall.  I had to list it because I do listen to it several times a week.  I produce our show, but I then go back and listen a 2nd or 3rd time because our guests are truly inspiring and remarkable.  We have practical and fun conversations on faith, motherhood and leadership.  Our hope is that women will be inspired to take that next step, do that hard thing, and be a world changer for good right where she is!  We also periodically do “series” that center around one topic.  For example, we did a 6 week summer survival series, and we have a Christmas series coming up.  We hope you will come and join the sisterhood!

Revelation Wellness 


I honestly cannot say enough about this podcast.  Alisa Keeton has created something completely unique and very special.  She started a website called Revelation Wellness, and now has a podcast that walks people through endurance or interval training workouts while she preaches the word in various ways.  This woman is the real deal – deep, sincere, balanced, and hopeful, she brings to the light of Christ to the fitness world.  Rarely have I seen someone so balanced when it comes to food, fitness, and the body.  LOVE. I work out with her several times a week though this podcast.

Daily Hope with Rick Warren


What’s not to love about Rick Warren?  To the point, biblical, and challenging, you walk away better equipped for life when you sit under his teaching.  I love the way he approaches daily problems and struggles with practical and simple solutions.  This is a daily broadcast.

The Dave Ramsey Show


A trusted voice in business and money management, Dave Ramsey gives no-nonsense, financial advice to people in all stages of life.  From paying for college to knocking out house-debt, Dave helps your money work for you.  On this show, he troubleshoots financial questions from call-in guests.  You are bound to learn a great deal about handling money that you didn’t know before.

Gospel in Life with Timothy Keller


I fondly refer to Timothy Keller as the C.S.Lewis of our time.  This man is bright – his intelligence is evident in every word – but he makes the gospel simple, just like Lewis.  He pastors Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York, and if I ever make it out to NYC, that is the first place I’m going.  I adore this man.  The listener feels that he is like a kind grandfather who is also a powerful teacher. His teaching has shaped me.   I can’t say enough….

Dear Daughters


Susie Davis is one of my favorites.  She’s just GREAT.  Listen to episode #11 of The Open Door Sisterhood Podcast and you’ll see why.  And now she has a podcast, which just puts me over the moon, because I get to glean from her wisdom every week.  These conversations are practical and helpful in living a Godly life.  Susie is a much needed mentor voice in today’s noisy world.

What Should I Read Next?


Anne has a blog called The Modern Mrs.Darcy.  For those of you who miss that reference, this podcast may not be for you.   If that name makes your heart skip a beat, you will love listening to Anne as she enlightens readers on what books and characters light up pages in various genres.  This podcast is for the book-lover.  Get great recommendations and discussions from this literary expert.

Everybody’s Got Something


Robin Roberts interviews people (really famous people, like Magic Johnson and Giada De Laurentiis) who have gone through devastatingly hard times, yet have bounced back.  The popular “Good Morning America” host explores how people dig deep to find inner strength they didn’t know they had in the wake of adversity.  She’s had her own journey with that herself, which seems to be the inspiration behind this podcast.  Though some of her views don’t always align with mine, I love a good story and a capable host, and this podcast provides that.

The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey


Jamie is a people-connector, and each week she hosts a woman on the show for a happy hour chat. A master-interviewer, she asks amazing questions and makes interesting and funny comments herself.  You will love this show – everyone does!  Jamie moves into your heart like she’s your new best friend.  I’ve met her in person, and I really think she’s something special.  Listening to her podcast makes life a little more interesting, meaningful, and fun.

Smart, Passive Income – with Pat Flynn


Pat Flynn is the millionaire next door.  Meaning, he is as friendly and helpful as they come, but also wicked smart when it comes to business (and successful).  He’s become one of the “go-tos” for business savvy.  What I love about Pat is that he’s extremely generous, not holding back any tips, ideas, or information that could help other people.  And indeed, this has been the secret to his success. If you are in business in any way, this podcast is helpful and essential.

Glorious in the Mundane


Best known as a Christian music artist, Christy Nockels is also now a podcaster, and a beautiful one at that.  Deep and thoughtful, her words are a gift to listeners.  She is a deep well, and shares that overflow on her show.  There have a been a few times where I’ve ended up in tears because of a story that she weaves, or some touching words that she says.  The bonus is that she sings every once in a while as well – pure angel!

Manifest with Kari Sowers


Kari Sower’s podcast is for creatives, makers, innovators, and entrepreneurs.  Engaging and straight forward, Kari encourages people to “launch their ship”– and she hopes that the podcast will be a toolbox that hands the listener the right tools to do just that.  If you are looking for creative inspiration balanced with practical help, this is your podcast.

Love and Respect


You may have heard of the book, Love and Respect: The Love She Most Desires, The Respect He Desperately Needs, which has improved thousands of marriages.  Well, now the author, Emerson Eggerichs, has a podcast with his son that covers similar topics.  A pastor and a psychologist, they combine theology and psychology.  Marriage is a topic on this show, but so is every other kind of relationship.  Insightful and helpful, this helps us to do better in life, because it shows us what to do in our important relationships.

Inspired to Action Podcast with Kat Lee


I like Kat’s style.  She is down to earth, friendly, and insightful.  She interviews people about parenting and about living life well.  She calls her show a pep talk for moms, and it is!  Most of all, Kat seems like the kind of person I would like to have over for dinner.  Maybe someday I will.

Clutter Free Academy


Kathi Lipp is known as the practical queen, at least to me.  She has creative, helpful, and faith-based solutions to many problems women face – from cleaning house, to marriage, to parenting, to holiday planning.  This podcast is an extension of that niche.  I appreciate Kathi’s humor and her gregarious personality.  If you want solutions to everyday dilemmas, this is your show.

Start Up Camp with Dale Partridge


Dale Partridge is a serial entrepreneur and founder of startup camp.  He’s touted as being someone who understands how to start something, and he helps people get to the place where they are ready to do that.  On this podcast he interviews people who have turned dreams into reality.  Like the Pat Flynn podcast, this is a how-to for people who want to turn what they love into a business.

The Hope Writer’s Podcast


If you are a writer, or a wanna-be writer, this podcast will spur you on in your pursuits.  Popular authors Emily Freeman and Myquillyn Smith generously offer years of expertise about the writing craft, business, and calling.  Both of these women (who happen to be sisters) know what they are doing, and it’s an amazing gift that they are sharing their combined knowledge for free through this medium.

The Chalene Show

Oh…. this woman – she’s a bundle of energy and brilliance and fun all wrapped up into one.  I started working out with Chalene Johnson through her strength videos on Beachbody’s streaming program, and then found out she had a podcast that had nothing to do with fitness.  She is incredibly business savvy, but also just life savvy.  Chalene has lived through the school of hard knocks, and she shares what she has learned freely and openly.   Plus she reminds me of one of my best friends, who I adore.


Well, there you go!  These are some podcasts on my phone that I love listening to when I’m going about my days and have some free moments, usually while I’m doing other mundane tasks.

What about YOU?  

What are your favorite podcasts?


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