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Homemade Truvia {a natural sugar substitute}

February 19, 2015

I’ve been off sugar for a long time – years even.  Sure, I don’t always stick to that – especially when it comes to my favorite tiramisu.  But overall, on a day to day basis, this is what I use.



The biggest reason I use homemade truvia is because it is a natural sweetener that doesn’t mess with your blood sugar.  It works very well for people with diabetes, and also for us who are trying to cut sugar out of their diet for one reason or another.  I feel better when I cut sugar from diet –  as in more energy, less dips of fatigue, and less headaches.  Oh, and my skin is clear.

I also love it for my kids.  I use it in their smoothies, their morning tea, and basically in place of sugar whenever I can. They don’t know the difference & I feel like a much better mama when I’m not handing them sugar.

I used Truvia for a while, but the cost was unbelievable for a tiny jar.  So, I started looking into making my own.  Turns out that Amazon makes it very easy to do.  You can order the erythritol and the stevia powder online for very reasonable prices.

Cheers to a healthy family!





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