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FREE: Christmas Planning Ebook & Printables to De-Stress Christmas

December 1, 2017


One of the very best ways I know to fight the crazy around the holidays is to go on offense, rather than play defense.  That means we have a game plan and don’t wait around for the stress to hit before we act.

One of my biggest goals for the holiday season is to absolutely love it.  I know that sounds obvious.  But that hasn’t always been reality for me.  As the resident “christmas maker” around our house, it has sometimes been far too much work and produced much too little joy.  Failing to plan well has been the biggest reason for that in the past.

One year I decided to do it differently.  I put intentional effort in four main areas:  traditions, gifts & budget, food, and our calendar.  It was nothing short of miraculous what happened.  My joy in the season literally transformed.  This ebook is a result of that process.

I made this planner as simple and easy as possible.  After all, the last thing we need is more work this time of year.  This is a do-able plan that anyone can implement.  I hope it blesses you and ushers you into a more rewarding, satisfying, and peace-filled Christmas season.


Here are some examples of what you will find in the ebook:

Listen to my podcast interview with Kathi Lipp

for more tips on taking the crazy out of Christmas.





(Visited 220 times, 1 visits today)
  1. […] 1. The first is using an organizational plan I created, Reclaiming Home for the Holidays.   […]


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