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A Progressive Kids Party

June 13, 2014


My son recently graduated from 5th grade. We wanted to do something fun for the kids without it being too formal or too much work since it is such a busy time of year. I wasn’t satisfied with the options I was coming up with, so I kept thinking-thinking-thinking! Finally, it dawned on me – a progressive party!! Exciting for the kids – not too much work for the parents…perfect. Here is how we did ours:

Send out the invite to the moms and kept the party a surprise!

The Moms drop the kids off at the first house. Each house only has the kids for 1-1 1/2 hours.






The kids load up in cars at the specified time and drive to the next house. Parents know when the “move time” is from the invitation, so if other drivers are needed, they show up at that time.


Here are the boys enjoying their snow cones at house #2!



Then they got to play a little pick up hoops! IMG_9757

Then on to Stop #3!






I’d love more ideas for future years –

how do you celebrate these milestones in kids’ lives?

(Visited 959 times, 1 visits today)
  1. Maria Brittis says:

    Wow, this is a great post,, Love if you come to my party.. Lots of great ideas for kids parties..Here is the invite to Fabulous Friday Party
    Tthanks Maria

  2. Great blog, stop by Fabulous Friday Party to link up all your posts
    Thanks Maria


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